Research Critique




Why It is Imperative We Redefine Mental Illness and How We Treat It

The article that prompted this one was published recently in Medscape and the title alone deserves submission to the Oxford Dictionary under the term...

The Future of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Insights from Drs. Eric Topol and Pradeep Natarajan

While LDL cholesterol remains a crucial target in cardiovascular prevention, it is important to look beyond this traditional marker.

The MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD Study. What You’ll Get Wrong

Readers, including even experts, are falling for a hard sell job by venture capitalists who launder their funding of the study through a nonprofit foundation and seek not legalization

Surprising Connection Found: Missing Teeth At Birth Linked to Cancer Risk

MISSING TEETH AT BIRTH IS LINKED TO CANCER RISK. A new study from Denmark suggests that congenital tooth loss is linked to cancer risk.