Research Critique




Surprising Connection Found: Missing Teeth At Birth Linked to Cancer Risk

MISSING TEETH AT BIRTH IS LINKED TO CANCER RISK. A new study from Denmark suggests that congenital tooth loss is linked to cancer risk.

Is the New York Times a Shill for Promoters of Psychedelics?

Evidence that the newspaper is not sufficiently detached from promoters to provide an open-minded but skeptical perspective that readers should be able to expect.

Surprises in the Authorship of a Paper About MDMA to Treat PTSD

The largest number of authors (12) are with MAPS. The for-profit corporation will manage sales for prescription MDMA when it is approved by the FDA

The MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD Study. What You’ll Get Wrong

Readers, including even experts, are falling for a hard sell job by venture capitalists who launder their funding of the study through a nonprofit foundation and seek not legalization