Disorders and Conditions




Preserve Your Mind With a Positive Belief System and Reduced Stress

Aging doesn’t have to mean a steady decline in your brain power if you do one simple thing, and that involves your outlook on life.

Alzheimer’s Long Road

Alzheimer’s is only one dementia, and there are many others, currently about ten types. The problem is in identifying the individual’s precise dementia and treating it appropriately.

Chatbots Are Coming for MH, and There Are Many Sides to This New Therapy Tool

Chatbots may appear to address the dearth of mental health services in rural areas or for those with limited income, but with this digital advance come untold, possibly unrealized, difficulties and even dangers.

Cyclones Are Worrisome for Mental Health, Not Simply Structures

Climate change and what it brings has broader implications than we knew, and now we are realizing how extensive mental health issues can be.