Babies & Children




Labor Induction; What Pregnant Women Want to Know

Labor induction is a medical procedure to help women deliver their baby. Induction is performed with medications and mechanical procedures to safely deliver the baby.

A Laypersons Guide to Building Better Babies

While it is true that many women in their thirties and even into their forties have healthy pregnancies and babies, the fact remains that many struggle to conceive after the age of thirty

Clinics IV Life Launches a New Clinic Model to Change the Face of Charitable Maternal Care, Delivery to Impoverished Communities

MAY 30, 2023, AUSTIN, TX – Clinics IV Life, a Texas-based not-for-profit led by a global team of global humanitarians working to counter the climbing...

Dallas County Reporting a Weird Rise in a Winter Virus This Summer Affecting Kids

A summer spike in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is spreading in North Texas.