Alternate Health




Will Apple Cider Vinegar Make Me Thin?

Want to watch rather than read this story? Tune in here! My medical training has made me a skeptic. When one learns of the limitations of...

A Big Upside to Olive Oil

IT'S ONLY AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY, but a recent examination of 90,000 healthcare professionals in the United States suggests that consuming even a tiny amount of...

Food Is the Prescription, and Food Pharmacies Could Be the Way to Better Health

Each mouthful of food may enhance and protect your health or damage it, and we now view food as a pharmaceutical.

Can We Reverse Memory Loss with Brain Liquid From Younger Folks?

Why do our memories, like old photographs, fade in quality over time? Not only do our recollections become less accurate over time, but we also experience decreases vibrancy and other visual qualities.