Patient Zone




What’s in it for me? Encouraging patient ownership of PHI Data

Do patients really understand the true value associated with ownership and management of their healthcare data? It would appear not and this matters as a new raft of solutions hit the market

Colchicine Shows 48% Reduction in Future Cardio Issues for Heart Attack Victims

Early, in-hospital treatment with colchicine reduces the odds of future cardiovascular problems by 48% in people who have just survived a heart attack

America’s Front-line Disease Defense System has Broken Down

Approximately 84 million adults — more than 1 in 3 Americans — have prediabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 90% of people with prediabetes do not know they have it

The New Covid Vaccine Trials. Has Moderna Just Crossed an Ethical Line?

Moderna has just announced the launch of a new series of Covid Vaccine trials for its mRNA vaccine. These trials are to be held on children, some as young as six months.