Patient Advisories




Vaccine Passports. Where Does Your State Stand? A List of all 50 States

Vaccine passports have proved hugely divisive. Most states are moving to, or have already outlawed them, while some choose to limit their use.

COVID B.1.1.7 - How Widespread Is It in the U.S. and How Worried Should We Be?

According to the CDC report, by March, and possibly sooner, this new variant will surpass the original virus as the leading cause of Covid-19 in the U.S.

Texas Provides a Useful Tool For Covid Vaccination Sites

Senior citizens need to know you qualify for vaccination now. Unfortunately, you are going to have to take a proactive stance until distribution improves. Call various locations and get your name on the lists.

Why Your Breast Milk May Already Be Too Toxic For Your Child

Fifty samples of breast milk drawn from across the US all tested positive for PFQAS contamination, at levels 2000 times higher than those suggested safe by the EPA