Eco Health and Related Disease




Are You Exposing Yourself to This Potentially Lethal Chemical?

ARE YOU EXPOSED EACH DAY TO PHTHALATES, chemicals in everything from makeup to plastic containers? A new study from New York University suggests that such exposure may...

Beyond the Treadmill: Finland’s Surprise Twist on Longevity Unveiled

A groundbreaking new study from Finland reveals a surprising twist on the relationship between exercise and longevity.

Environmental Innovation in Israel: A Laboratory for Climate and Sustainability Solutions

A world facing climate change that threatens human health and long-term existence needs proven models that point the way to achieving a sustainable future. Israel, poised to join the inner circle of climate leaders, is a success story and a model for others to follow.

Five Catastrophic Climate Tipping Points Loom, Scientists Alert

Earth’s proximity to irreversible environmental tipping points calls for a united, global response to combat climate change and adopt sustainable solutions.