



Unvaccinated Hospital Staff Sues Houston Methodist Over Covid-19 Vaccinations

Employees of Houston Methodist Hospital file a lawsuit over required Covid-19 vaccination saying the vaccine mandate violates the Nurenberg Code.

An Honest Explanation of Climate Denial

Lord David Frost recently downplayed the urgency of climate warming mitigation, suggesting that the UK manage this with air conditioning and structural changes to buildings. However, his stance seems dangerously shortsighted with looming threats like disease transmission from the tiger mosquito and potentially catastrophic shifts in weather patterns due to the Gulf Stream's instability. It's critical to approach climate change with the gravity and urgency it warrants, prioritising long-term safety over short-term convenience.

Irresponsible Headlines on Massachusetts Outbreak Mislead the Public and Cause Harm

Misleading headlines in news coverage of the Massachusetts Covid-19 outbreak fail to highlight vaccine efficacy in preventing death and severe disease.

North Texas Obgyns Need to Know About Monoclonal Antibodies for Covid-19

Obgyn physicians and women's health providers must help pregnant people find access to monoclonal antibody therapy during the early stages of a Covid-19 infection to help prevent severe disease and death.