



No Hope for Older Patients in Cancer Clinical Trials Thanks to Bias

Hope is one thing that can keep patients alive, but when older cancer patients are not even considered for clinical trials, how can they maintain hope?

Silicon Valley Loses Its Shine: The Rise Of Pharma As The New Vanguard Of Innovation

As Silicon Valley's long-held position at the forefront of innovation and technology begins to wane, the pharmaceutical industry finds itself with an unprecedented opportunity to step up and become not just a leader but THE leader in these domains.

The Dangerous Myth of Digital Health Innovation: Build It And They Will Come

Products live on shelves and brands live in our minds--mindshare always precedes market share.

Virtual Counselling Strategies in the Health and Social Service Sectors

For many clinicians, service providers, therapists, and counselors, virtual counselling and care is a new venture that takes quite a bit of adjusting to - especially if technology has not been a strong skill set in your toolbox.