Policy and Practice




HIMSS 2024 will Feature Prominently in Medika Life Coverage

Heads up to our readers. Forget the buzz about AI, ChatGPT and GenAI. These tech tools are already making their mark inside...

Preserving Health and Wellness and Preventing Chronic Diseases – America Does It Very Poorly

Assuring medical insurance for all Americans is an important goal, but it is far from sufficient to ensure we all get the best or even adequate care

Restoring Credibility. Can We Ever Trust Healthcare Again?

If you wanted the perfect illustration of how to "dig yourself a hole" Healthcare and the Covid pandemic provided it. In what history will record as a concerted and unprecedented effort, governments, scientists, doctors and the healthcare industry globally, indulged in a public campaign to combat the SARS-COV2, commencing in early 2020. This campaign still persists.

Two Titans Tap Cognitive Powers to Unleash Humanity’s Great Potential

AI, ChatGPT, GenAI and LLMs Must Become Part of the Physician’s Black Bag