Ethics in Practice




Blaming the Psychiatric Patient When It’s a Drug-Genetic Interaction

How can patients with psychiatric or any other illnesses be viewed as non-compliant with their medical regimes when there is a persistent failure to investigate how their race and genetics are affecting treatment

Oleander 4X Snakeoil. The Story Behind a Fake Covid Cure

This is the story of how a pharma company has milked a practically useless compound for the last 20 years, misleading its investors and offering the public hopes of miracle cures for everything from Alzheimer's, to cancers and Covid.

Aiding and Abetting a Virus

Viruses are the ultimate freeloaders. The best among them — influenza, smallpox and SARS-CoV-2 — spread easily among human hosts while delivering high mortality...

Depression Scales and IQ Measures Fail Some Who Need Help the Most

Psychological testing has a circuitous and questionable path to widespread acceptance as a reliable evaluation tool. The question posed for mental evaluation designed by Alfred Binet, i.e.,...