For Doctors




Zipline: The New Gold Standard for Technology-Based Innovation in Healthcare

Medika has identified Zipline as a company to watch in 2021. Their innovative use of existing or new technology offers a unique and exciting new solutions to the healthcare sector.

Kids’ Cell Phones Are Seen as Causing Too Many Problems: Is It Valid?

Data often pushes changes when technology makes it imperative that we do so, and today, we are seeing something we've never seen before; the...

Do Probiotics Repair Antibiotic-Induced Gut Damage?

PROBIOTICS CAN HELP PREVENT (OR ATTENUATE) the negative changes in the composition of gut microbes associated with antibiotic treatment.

Dr. Hassaballa’s Latest Book is Now Available: “How Not To Kill Someone in the ICU”

The intensive care unit can be a very intimidating place, not only for patients, but for their doctors and nurses as well. Usually, only...