For Doctors




Vaccine Patents Come with Ethical Dilemmas Bringing Life or Death

Patents are essential in the pharmaceutical industry to ensure commercial viability and financial returns but how do they effect public access to vaccines in a pandemic?

Covid Masks: What You Should Know

I SWAPPED OUT MY SURGICAL MASK for the N95 and KN94 ones. Given my newer masks are not inexpensive, how long can I wear one...

Dementia Remains One of Our Most Serious Mysteries

Many dementia misdiagnoses are written in stone in charts, and then the patients are treated accordingly. Often, patients suffer from this ageist bias.

Digital Health Interviews: Levi Shapiro & Ellie Hanson – Digital Health in Israel

This new episode of Digital Health, hosted by Ukrainian health innovation leader Alex Koshykov, focuses on the topic of digital health in Israel.