Industry News




When It Comes to Medicine – The Smartest Person in the Room Is the Patient!

Move over chatbots! It’s time to recognize that the smartest person in the room may not be the robot, rather patient experience creating a new type of dialogue through conversational AI. Conversational AI is a cutting-edge form of artificial intelligence enabling consumers to interact with computer applications the way they would with other humans.

Dr. Shi Zhengli, Wuhan’s Batwoman Speaks Out on Covid and Lab Leak Theory

Dr. Shi Zhengli,,Wuhan Batwoman, spoke to a New York Times reporter to offer her side of the story on Lb Leaks and politics clouding science

The Wearables Expert ™ Interviews Dr. Rafael Grossman, MD

Episode 11. João Bocas - The Wearables Expert ™ Interviews Dr. Rafael Grossman on the state of Digital Health, AI and Wearables

National Institute for Clinical Excellence Recommends QbTest to Aid Diagnosis of ADHD in Youth

Global Leader in ADHD Objective Testing Improves Access to Care for Patients in the U.S. and UK