Industry News




Kratom, the Undiluted Truth. Is it a Dangerous Drug or a Godsend?

There are two sides to Kratom and two distinct views of it in the public’s mind. Kratom users see the drug as a lifesaver. Some of them consume it for pain, others, as a means to wean themselves off opioids

Exclusive From HIMSS24: Meet Phil Bradley, HIMSS Global Digital Health Strategist

HIMSS is far more than a gathering of 36,000 health information pros - it's a professional society diving into the trenches of building a connective health ecosystem

Monoclonal Antibody Infusions. The Plan B Emergency Contraception for Covid?

Monoclonal antibody infusions for Covid-19 suffer from one major flaw and it doesn't revolve around efficacy, but the speed of treatment

Andrew Wakefield, the ultimate medical con on Medika’s Quack Scale

Andrew Wakefield is the greatest medical fraud of our generation. Guilty of malpractice, misleading the public, lying, falsifying data, and causing vaccine