Kelly Brogan scores 5/5 on our Quack Scale. She represents a real danger to both her patients and the general public and we encourage members of the public and her patients to seek alternate medical or health advice. Do not follow recommendations from this individual relating to your personal health or the health of others.
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Qualification: Brogan graduated Cornell University Medical College in Psychiatry, and has a B.S. in Systems Neuroscience from MIT. Practices as a “Holistic Psychiatrist”
Current Licensing Status: Not Licensed (click link to view licensing board details)
Resident: Florida
Existing Complaints: None listed publically. You can form your own opinion of her patient’s damning opinions by viewing comments on her Rate MD’s page.
Latest update 20 Dec, 2020: It’s just come to our attention via Peter Heimlich and his brilliant site Medfraud, that Brogan is being investigated by the New York State Medical Agency.
The loudest and most damning voices condemning this fraud and charlatan emanate from her own patients. She openly questions the current public narrative on Covid-19, vaccines, and polio, amongst her other claims to fame and her callous interactions with her patients reveal a person with little compassion, driven by personal greed for both wealth and power. The fact she preys on those who are mentally vulnerable makes her actions, in our opinion, even more reprehensible. Despite numerous articles (some of which are listed below) warning the general public of her actions and intent, she continues to practice.
Her claims are easily debunked and show a clear misunderstanding or intentional abuse of science to mislead the public, all with the intent of peddling them her wares.
Your most effective tool to combat her reach and influence over other very vulnerable members of the community is to deplatform her on social media. We recommend unfollowing her and reporting any accounts for harmful content.
Supporting Articles
Publication – Science-Based Medicine: Author Steven Novella on Sep 19, 2018. The Pseudoscience of Kelly Brogan. Verdict: Brogan is a complete fraudster, offering all sorts of nice-sounding nonsense for profit.
Brogan applies a similar approach to depression and all mental illness. She argues that psychiatric symptoms are mostly due to our diet and modern lifestyle and that mainstream doctors and scientists have it all wrong (because she is the guru with magical insight). And of course, she will sell you supplements and detoxifiers to cure all the real causes that she is smart enough to see.
Publication – Gen on Medium: Author Methew Remski on Sep 10, 2020. Inside Kelly Brogan’s Covid-Denying, Vax-Resistant Conspiracy Machine. Verdict: An abusive, manipulative professional with no concern for her patient’s mental health and wellbeing.
On June 5, 2019, Jillian and her husband scheduled an emergency call with Brogan. “I was asking for some kind of medication,” Jillian said in an interview. “I knew I needed to be stabilized, and she refused to prescribe me anything.”
On the call Brogan terminated Jillian’s care, according to Jillian and her husband, citing her unwillingness to prescribe, and explaining that the issue was Jillian’s belief that her case was far worse than others. Jillian recalls Brogan saying that because she was such a powerful “manifestor” her beliefs were causing her symptoms to appear to worsen. She also recalls Brogan speculating that Jillian was not old or mature enough to do the necessary work. In an interview, Jillian described the call as “the most terrifying and hopeless experience to have at that stage.”
By the middle of June 2019, Jillian had been Brogan’s patient for 14 months and had paid her $13,355 in fees. At the end of June, Jillian’s akathisia was so severe that she couldn’t eat or sleep or take care of herself. She was hospitalized for 10 days.
Publication – Author Anicka Slachta, Sept 2020. Trust Review (PDF) Verdict: Proceed with caution: This
website severely violates basic journalistic standards. has repeatedly published false health claims, including about the COVID-19 pandemic.
For example, an undated article titled “Why We Stay Asleep When Covid-19 Is Trying to Wake Us Up,” made several false and unsubstantiated claims about the
virus, including that the pandemic was planned in advance.
Publication – Bad Science Debunked: Published on 15 Feb 2018. Kelly Brogan, MD: A-Salt With A “Deadly” Weapon (Part Two) Verdict: An expose of how Brogan criticizes ingredients, only then to sell her patients products that contain the same ingredients.
In part one of this series, it was revealed that Kelly Brogan, M.D., sells an aluminum-laden health supplement while simultaneously (falsely) linking small amounts of aluminum to myriad serious health problems, and fear-mongering the population at large into avoiding safe, effective vaccines. Here, in part two, we’ll look at a second “toxic” ingredient found in the same Brogan supplement. It’s particularly important to point out Brogan’s hypocrisy and questionable medical practices at this time, as she’s been named to the advisory board of the popular SXSW Conference, taking place March 9-17, 2018, in Austin, TX
Kelly Brogan, M.D. images are all used in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, commonly known as “fair use law”. This material is distributed without profit with the intent to provide commentary, review, education, and increase public health knowledge.