



If Deaths of Small Children Do Not Move Us to Action What Will?

Weapons of war, such as AR-15s, have no place in people’s home arsenals. Its bullet's caliber rips its target apart – going in small and exiting like the size of a fist.

Vitaccess is Reshaping Digital Health in the U.K.

Medika has identified Vitaccess for our Healthcare Innovation watch list. This UK based Digital Startup offers innovative and exciting approaches to data management that directly benefit patient outcomes.

Houston Methodist Hospital Suspends Staff Who Refuse to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine

The Houston Methodist Hospital System announced the suspension of 178 staff members for failing to start the Covid-19 vaccine series. Over 99% of the hospital staff...

Restoring Credibility. Can We Ever Trust Healthcare Again?

If you wanted the perfect illustration of how to "dig yourself a hole" Healthcare and the Covid pandemic provided it. In what history will record as a concerted and unprecedented effort, governments, scientists, doctors and the healthcare industry globally, indulged in a public campaign to combat the SARS-COV2, commencing in early 2020. This campaign still persists.