



When is a Vaccine not a Vaccine?

Simple question and in theory, the answer is as simple. A vaccine is a vaccine when it conforms to the properties we assign historically...

This Vaccine Has Been Wildly Successful

VACCINES HAVE SLASHED RATES OF HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS. Physicians began recommending the first vaccine for the remarkably common sexually transmitted HPV virus in 2006 in the United States.

This Is Why We Should NEVER Rush A Vaccine To Market

We need a vaccine for Covid-19. It is a matter of life and death. At the same time, that vaccine has to be proven to be safe and effective

Healthcare Workers Show Their Faith in the Covid Vaccine #vaccinechallenge

Join our #vaccinechallenge. We're Inviting doctors to send us links to their vaccination video and we''ll make you famous. Show your patients and let's help build trust in the Covid vaccine.