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FDA approves Ready-to-Use Ephedrine Injection, Emerphed™

Nexus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Announces Approval of Emerphed™ (ephedrine sulfate) Injection, the First and Only FDA-approved, Ready-to-Use Ephedrine Injection (50 mg/10 mL vial)

The Role of Drugs in Combating Obesity and How These Drugs Affect Your Health

Obesity cannot be simply cured with a pill but requires a multi-faceted approach to treatment. These drugs will help you to combat obesity in conjunction

Phexxi; Have You Heard About This New Hormone-Free Contraceptive?

She is sick of using birth control, but now is not the right time to get pregnant. The “pull and pray” method is too...

FDA Approval of New Drug for Alzheimer’s Offers Hope

The FDA approves Aduhelm for the treatment of early Alzheimer's disease. Aduhelm targets brain plaque formation to slow the rate of cognitive decline.