Healthcare Policy and Opinion




How My Breast Cancer Providers Have Compromised My Life

Being poor can get you killed. A damning indictment of breast cancer Providers from a Medicaid survivor of a double mastectomy.

Any Competent Public Health Doctor Could Predict What Would Happen During The Pandemic

Public Health and the Coronavirus. There is nothing political or sinister about the steps needed to contain this pandemic. It is science, pure and simple, and all

Why Improving Women’s Health Around the World is Urgent

Women often provide for their families, communities, and the people around them. If women are healthier, it impacts everyone around them and eventually leads to healthier newborns, children, families, households, and communities. Leaders who prioritize women’s health can overcome gender inequality and improve the overall population’s health.

Uncovering Hidden, Frustrating Loopholes of the Arcane DRGs in Healthcare

Hospitalization is not a question of being in the hospital and receiving treatment; discharge is a major factor. As a hospital patient, have you wanted...