



Prevention-as-a-Service: A Business Model that Can Fix Healthcare

The ‘sick care’ model has brought us to the brink of a health crisis. For example, more than half of US adults have at least one chronic condition, and one in three suffers from multiple chronic conditions.

Clinical Trials As a Care Option – the Time is Now

Creating more effective, safer medicines starts with empowering new communities to join in on clinical research

Patient Satisfaction Surveys Earn a Zero on Tracking Whether Hospitals Deliver Culturally Competent Care

The CAHPS survey is required by the federal government for many health care facilities, and the hospital version of it is required for most acute care hospitals. Low scores can induce financial penalties, and hospitals reap financial rewards for improving scores or exceeding those of their peers.

The Truth about Masking

Wearing a mask is simply an act of compassion, showing you care about your fellow man and limiting the infectiousness of your breath. Remember, some of us are fortunate and can contract the disease and carry the virus, yet not even be aware of it. We are, in medical terms, asymptomatic.