Public Health




Understanding Men’s Risks for Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that type 2 diabetes affects men and women differently? Diabetes can cause complications like neuropathy and vision problems in both sexes. However, men can also experience specific urological and sexual health issues as a result of diabetes.

“Vaccinated People Die, Too”

Yes, people who have been vaccinated against COVID have died of the disease. Those numbers are dwarfed by the numbers of unvaccinated people who have died form COVID. The evidence is very, very strong.

Gene Expression Changes in Heart Cells: A New Threat to Astronaut Health?

Genetic expression can change in blood vessels under low gravity. Should astronauts be worried?

It’s Not Just The Lightning, But the Lightning Rod!

The rigid walls of many corporations prevent collaboration—the critical step to building the connective tissue that allows the voices of innovation to be heard and embraced.