



Will Apple Cider Vinegar Make Me Thin?

Want to watch rather than read this story? Tune in here! My medical training has made me a skeptic. When one learns of the limitations of...

Like Dark Chocolate or Black Coffee? Here’s Why

I LIKE DARK, ARGUABLY BITTER CHOCOLATE. If you join me in this preference, you are more likely to prefer your coffee black. New research suggests...

2024 Health Trends: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities

Here are 10 health-sector developments—not ranked—to watch in the coming year, determined by media coverage, reader interest, and personal interest.

8 Habits That Might Add Decades to Your Life

I AM MORE INTERESTED IN HEALTHSPAN than lifespan. I wouldn’t like to live too long with severe dementia. Today’s essay explores eight healthy habits that might add decades to your life.