



The Road to Dementia May Be Paved With Processed Food

Lifestyles that leave little room for home cooking, quick eating on the go for work, and tight budgets often result in eating highly processed foods, which is a problem for your mind.

3 Ways to Improve Your Heart

HOW CAN YOU USE LIFESTYLE TO improve your cardiovascular health? In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death, according to the Centers...

Global Wellness Summit Charts $4.4 Trillion Sector Impacting Longevity

The Global Wellness Summit Charts the $4.4 trillion sector that Impacts Longevity. Wellness – It’s No Longer Just Nuts, Granola, Spas and Yoga

Netflix Can Wait, Your Heart Can’t

A new study showing that daily walking just under 4,000 steps reduces the risk of premature death from any cause, including cardiovascular disease.