Finding Eco Solutions




Eating Plastic in Every Bite We Take and Never Knowing the Effect on Our Health

Microplastic has so infused our ecosystem and our bodies that it can be found in the deepest oceans as well as our organs and even our blood. Our internal environment is compromised and so is our heal

PFAS Is a Culprit Affecting Health, and It’s in Packaging — But No More in the USA

The FDA has issued new guidelines for removing PFAS from food packaging after it has proven dangerous for our health.

Do Trees Have Souls?

What Trees Teach Us About Climate Change

Discovering a Simple Solution: Boiling Tap Water Effectively Removes 90% of Microplastics.

Plastics - they permeate the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil beneath our feet and have emerged as an omnipresent concern.