Finding Eco Solutions




Environmental Innovation in Israel: A Laboratory for Climate and Sustainability Solutions

A world facing climate change that threatens human health and long-term existence needs proven models that point the way to achieving a sustainable future. Israel, poised to join the inner circle of climate leaders, is a success story and a model for others to follow.

Discovering a Simple Solution: Boiling Tap Water Effectively Removes 90% of Microplastics.

Plastics - they permeate the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil beneath our feet and have emerged as an omnipresent concern.

Climate Change is a Health Crisis, So Why is Health Adaptation Financing Still Lacking?

From escalating heat-related illnesses to shifting patterns in vector-borne diseases and floods in East Libya, climate change is already taking a toll on global human health and healthcare systems.

Carbon Credits – The Dirty Word for Clean Cookstoves

Home Appliances and Policymakers Look to Clean Cookstove Programs to Keep Local Communities and Global Climate Sustainable