Eco Health and Related Disease




An Honest Explanation of Climate Denial

Lord David Frost recently downplayed the urgency of climate warming mitigation, suggesting that the UK manage this with air conditioning and structural changes to buildings. However, his stance seems dangerously shortsighted with looming threats like disease transmission from the tiger mosquito and potentially catastrophic shifts in weather patterns due to the Gulf Stream's instability. It's critical to approach climate change with the gravity and urgency it warrants, prioritising long-term safety over short-term convenience.

Climate at a Crossroads

Perspectives on COP28 and the Road to Dubai

COP28 Conversations — Join the Community in the Know – 28 Influencers to Follow

COP28 is weeks away — November/December 2023. Conversations around this coming COP in Dubai have been fueled by the urgency to phase out and,...

Confronting Climate Change — Includes Considering Its Naysayers

Noise Eats Science for Breakfast Almost Always — Do We Have the Luxury of Time to Get this Right?