Eco Policy and Opinion




The Social Innovation Summit is the Other UN Changing the World

Photo Credit Social Innovation Summit: Chelsea Clinton was among the keynotes at this year's Summit. She serves as an executive of the Clinton Foundation and is a noted author.

Monsanto, Roundup, and Glyphosate. Whose Side is Science on and Why it Matters to Us?

Science gets sidelined by lobbying groups, money and institutionalized politics. This directly impacts public health and the environment.

Environmental Innovation in Israel: A Laboratory for Climate and Sustainability Solutions

A world facing climate change that threatens human health and long-term existence needs proven models that point the way to achieving a sustainable future. Israel, poised to join the inner circle of climate leaders, is a success story and a model for others to follow.

Global Wellness Summit Charts $4.4 Trillion Sector Impacting Longevity

The Global Wellness Summit Charts the $4.4 trillion sector that Impacts Longevity. Wellness – It’s No Longer Just Nuts, Granola, Spas and Yoga