



How Much Exercise Do You Need to Dodge Heart Problems?

HOW MUCH EXERCISE DO YOU NEED to reduce your chances of avoiding heart problems in your 70s?

More Evidence Linking Ultraprocessed Foods and Early Death

ULTRA-PROCESSED FOOD CONSUMPTION AND PREMATURE DEATH are associated. That’s the finding of a new study from Brazil. Ultra-processed foods are industrial formulations of substances made from...

Rural America – A Generational Struggle for Health Equality

More than 46 million Americans live in rural communities. On average, rural locales lag behind non-rural communities on every measure of prosperity, from poverty rates to employment opportunities.

The Science of the Med Diet: Unveiling Its Potential Role in Dementia Prevention

DEMENTIA IS A GROUP OF CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT MEMORY, thinking, behavior, and more. The disease is a growing concern worldwide. While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent...