Autoimmune Conditions




Why I Still Wear a Mask

Why I continue to wear a mask in crowded spaces even after Quebec repealed the mask mandate on public transit.

You Don’t Have to Quit Your Passion to Heal From Chronic Pain

Symptom flare-ups often happen during periods of big expansion in your life: Stepping into a new leadership role, becoming a parent, gaining recognition for your art, starting a business, falling in love.⁠

Artificial Intelligence, Microbiome, and Predicting Liver Disease

Increasing evidence suggests an interplay between the gut microbiome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The role of the microbiome in the early detection of the condition remains unclear.

Why Covid Hits Some Hard

WHY DOES COVID-19 WREAK SUCH DESTRUCTION on some individuals and not others? Race appears to play a role, as do age and other medical conditions...