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Healthcare Workers Show Their Faith in the Covid Vaccine #vaccinechallenge

Join our #vaccinechallenge. We're Inviting doctors to send us links to their vaccination video and we''ll make you famous. Show your patients and let's help build trust in the Covid vaccine.

America’s Frontline Doctors Want to Become the New Republic’s NIH

America's Frontline Doctors want you to call them now so they can prescribe dangerous medications based on a brief telehealth call, all for only $90

Stop Making Excuses. Prioritize People!

Telemedicine and EMR Interoperability – Two Patient-Centered Tech Advances – Can Help Us Overcome Fragmentation in the Health Ecosystem, but Only if We Have the Will to Make Them Work

Andrew Wakefield, the ultimate medical con on Medika’s Quack Scale

Andrew Wakefield is the greatest medical fraud of our generation. Guilty of malpractice, misleading the public, lying, falsifying data, and causing vaccine