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Medika Welcomes Fiona O’Leary to Our Editorial Team

Medika is thrilled to announce that Fiona O'Leary has joined our team. Fiona is best known for years of medical activism in the fields of autism and quackery.

Immunity Passports Are the Worst Idea to Come Out of the Pandemic

Immunity Passports reflecting our vaccine status for the Covid Vaccine are on the tips of everyone's tongue. Are these passports increasing inequality

Using Artificial Intelligence to Deliver on the “Do No Harm” Pledge

Gil Bashe in conversation with the CEO of MedAware, Dr. Gidi Stein on Artificial Intelligence and how its use in the field of medicine can promote patient safety

Debunking Nicholas Wade’s Origin of COVID Conspiracy Theory

Nicholas Wade debunked by real virologists. His Origin of Covid theory is flawed. He misinterprets and misrepresents science and scientists. Wade is exposed