Bills and Legislation




FREOPP Study: How New York’s Single Payer Health Care Bill Affects the Working Poor

The flawed design of the New York Health Act would be felt most acutely by low-income New Yorkers, a new FREOPP study finds. This Single-Payer Health

Texas Senator Attempts to Stop All Required Vaccinations in Proposed Bill

Texas Senator Bob Hall proposes Senate Bill 1669 banning all vaccine requirements in Texas.

Bipartisan Texas Prison Reform Air Conditioning Bill Dies Without a Vote in Texas Senate

Texas HB 357 bill to require air conditioning and climate control in Texas prisons failed to get a vote in the 2021 Legislative session despite bipartisan support.

Policies and Policing Didn’t Stem Opioid Abuse – Can Tech Be A Solution?

Medika Talks with Serial Health Tech Entrepreneur Jay Schiff About His Efforts to Unite Devices with Digital Health to Offer a New Pathway to Patient Care