Policy and Practice




Record Numbers of Californians Die From COVID-19, Surgeon General Promotes Yoga and Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences

When evidence faces off against the power of celebrity status and charisma, the evidence is left lying face down in the street. That becomes particularly important to take into account during a pandemic in which people are dying from misinformation.

Tech Marches On, While Humanity Drags Its Feet

I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my predictions for health tech from almost a decade ago in Forbes....

Strategies to Slash My Dementia Risk: My Journey to Promote Brain Health

A growing body of evidence suggests that the fight against dementia should begin earlier, before the brain changes that facilitate cognitive decline.

Complex, Chronic Diseases Are Rampant Today

America has the providers, the science, the drugs, the diagnostics, and the devices needed for outstanding patient care. But the delivery of care is dysfunctional at best and far too expensive.