Policy and Practice




The intersection of Public Health and Sustainability: Why it Matters Now More Than Ever

Today's health businesses face several complex challenges, ranging from stakeholder expectations to regulatory compliance. Amid these, sustainable development often takes a backseat. Sustainability may...

When It Comes to Medicine – The Smartest Person in the Room Is the Patient!

Move over chatbots! It’s time to recognize that the smartest person in the room may not be the robot, rather patient experience creating a new type of dialogue through conversational AI. Conversational AI is a cutting-edge form of artificial intelligence enabling consumers to interact with computer applications the way they would with other humans.

Puberty and the Age of Consent. When Should “Yes” Be No!

Consent is far more than agreeing - it's understanding and trusting. Sometimes, to suggest consent is to condone psychological manipulation.

Uninsured Children; Time for Us to Help Kids Get Access to High-Quality Healthcare

Many US children qualify for high-quality healthcare through the Medicaid and CHIP programs. Here, we show families how to apply to these programs.