Press Release




New CRISPR-Based Test for COVID-19 Uses a Smartphone Camera

Imagine swabbing your nostrils, putting the swab in a device, and getting a read-out on your phone in 15 to 30 minutes that tells you if you are infected with the COVID-19 virus

U.S. Prepares Launch of a National Three-Digit Number for the Mental Health Crisis Hotline

As the federal government prepares to launch the national three-digit number “988” for the mental health crisis hotline next month, a new KFF analysis shows that suicide death rates increased by 12 percent in the decade from 2010 to 2020 — with death rates rising the fastest among people of color, younger individuals, and people who live in rural areas.

Stroke and Altered Mental State Increase Risk of Death for COVID-19 Patients

People hospitalized with COVID-19 and neurological problems including stroke and confusion, have a higher risk of dying than other COVID-19 patients

StuffThatWorks and The Marfan Foundation to Engage in Pilot Program

joint efforts will form best practices for non-profit health organizations to leverage patient self-reporting with the goal of advancing science, treatment and quality of life.