Press Release




A New A.I. Based Solution to Nurse Burn-out and Turnover

What can we do to ensure that those we rely upon to care for us, are being supported in this essential, important work?

NLR. Millions at Risk from Leprosy. Study Reveals Figures

To interrupt leprosy transmission and reduce annual new cases significantly, preventive treatment needs to be implemented in all leprosy-endemic countries

Private Practice: Solution Mode to Survival Mode

A true glimpse into the process of transitioning a practice and how it can be a great solution to the issues facing private practices. Many are struggling,

COVID-19 Testing with 72 Hour or Less Turnaround Time

TCA/GENETWORx is building capability to perform 870,000 tests per day or 26 million per month. In order to meet demand, the company launched a massive recruiting campaign called Re Employ America