



Parnell Pharmaceuticals Announces Nomovid™ Antiviral Nasal Spray

The first antiviral nasal spray in the United States. Nomovid™ Nasal Spray will be easy-to-use, low-cost and can be quickly made available over-the-counter for consumers.

Killing The Coronavirus. A New Treatment Shows 99.9 Percent Efficacy

Enovid is a groundbreaking treatment that claims it prevents the coronavirus from invading your body. This nasal spray kills the virus in the nasal passage

The Nation’s Only Virtual At-Home Detox Programs from Workit Health Expands

Workit Health now offers the nation’s only virtual at-home detox programs for alcohol. The program includes daily video check-ins with a medical care team and prescribed medication to safely detox at home

Artificial Intelligence Company Helps IVF Patients Get Pregnant

Life Whisperer uses Artificial intelligence to improve IVF success rates for couples struggling with infertility.