Human Anatomy




One Simple Way to Protect Your Brain

“Cognitive decline in late adulthood is becoming the №1 public health problem we face as a country, particularly as the baby boomers age.” That’s the view...

It’s Time for New Tools to Overcome Smoking

Yesterday marked the 36th year that the world observed World No Tobacco Day. This relatively obscure milestone masks a stalled effort to curb consumption of combustible cigarettes and other nicotine-related products. It’s unlikely most people paid any attention. But the impact of smoking is all around us, even if we don’t see it. Statistics rarely tell a provocative story to compel people to action.

The Uterus

The Uterus forms an integral part of the female reproductive system. Explore other free anatomical medical resources from Medika Life's Patient Resources

Can We Reverse Memory Loss with Brain Liquid From Younger Folks?

Why do our memories, like old photographs, fade in quality over time? Not only do our recollections become less accurate over time, but we also experience decreases vibrancy and other visual qualities.