Health News and Views




Pap smears Aren’t Fun But Can Save Your Life by Preventing Cervical Cancer

Regular pap smears for cervical cancer prevention save lives by detecting HPV and precancerous cells called cervical dysplasia long before cancer develops.

Running and Blisters: Coping

If you have formed a small pocket of fluid on some part of your body, you may have had a blister. These bubbles vary in size and have many causes.

It’s Time to Apply COVID-Scale Urgency to Noncommunicable Diseases

88 million American adults (1 in 3) have prediabetes, 60% of adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease and 40% have more than one chronic disease.

The Power of Words

Harnessing Communications Across Disciplines to Heal Our Environment. The power of words must be translated into meaningful actions