Patient Advisories




Covid Vaccines Just Took a Major Step Toward Regaining Credibility

There will be no enforced Covid vaccinations across Europe and the US. You may not realize this, but the law prevents the enforced administration of EUA medicines

Fact Checking Vaccine Claims With Flawed Science: True

In a society that is bombarded with misinformation from every imaginable source, both official and otherwise, where, post pandemic, can we turn for reliable,...

Ivermectin is Dead and Buried Despite NIH Website Misstep and Twitter Buzz

Ivermectin is a global con, sold by unscrupulous doctors and healthcare professionals as a treatment for Covid. It doesn't work.

mRNA Technology, Human DNA and The Traffic Flow of Genetic Material

Can RNA from a SARS-Cov2 infection find its way into our DNA. A recent preprint suggests reasons why genetic viral material is showing up in PCR tests