Patient Advisories




The New Covid Vaccine Trials. Has Moderna Just Crossed an Ethical Line?

Moderna has just announced the launch of a new series of Covid Vaccine trials for its mRNA vaccine. These trials are to be held on children, some as young as six months.

The Mechanics of Vaping and Its Medical Impact on Your Health

How safe is vaping? What medical literature exists to support claims of safety or the contrary? Medika examines the lucrative industry.

What You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

There may be a dose-related effect of omega-3 fatty acids on atrial fibrillation risk. In high doses there appeared to be an increase in risk for atrial fibrillation in the omega-3 groups (versus control) in both trials.

Understanding Mask Terminology, N95/KN95/N99, and What to Buy

Learn about which masks offer the most protection against Covid-19 and what the terms mean as far as the masks efficacy is concerned. Which mask should you buy.