Eco Health and Related Disease




Why Your Breast Milk May Already Be Too Toxic For Your Child

Fifty samples of breast milk drawn from across the US all tested positive for PFQAS contamination, at levels 2000 times higher than those suggested safe by the EPA

Eating Plastic in Every Bite We Take and Never Knowing the Effect on Our Health

Microplastic has so infused our ecosystem and our bodies that it can be found in the deepest oceans as well as our organs and even our blood. Our internal environment is compromised and so is our heal

Let’s Kick the Can Down the Road Again. Or Not!

Three Deadly Dangers that Will Soon Catch Up to People and Planet

Forever Chemicals and Microplastics in Water More Dangerous to Health Than Thought

The chemicals are everywhere, but their danger is now more severe than previously thought and presents an explicit threat to health.