Skin Conditions




Don’t Be Fooled — Not all Fruits and Vegetables are “Dirty.”

I RECENTLY READ ABOUT THE "DIRTY DOZEN," a group of pesticide-containing fruits and vegetables. The Environmental Working Group gives us a "dirty dozen" list of fruits...

Epipen® and Why Carrying One May Save Your Life

Epipen® is an intramuscular auto-injector that administers a single measured dose of Epinephrine (you probably know this as Adrenaline)

Kids Are Affected by Climate Change in Ways We Rarely Consider

Climate change isn't solely a matter of warming air and seas, it affects kids both mentally and physically.

Skin Patch and Skin Prick Allergy Testing

This is used to evaluate for an underlying trigger/agent in individuals who develop contact dermatitis. Examples of contact dermatitis is the development of a rash after wearing certain metal jewelry