Skin Conditions

Got Cancer? Supplements May Be Dangerous

IF YOU HAVE CANCER, there is a reasonable chance that you are taking supplements. The use of dietary supplements in the…

3 years ago

Could a Rash be a Sign of Covid-19?

A new study adds to a growing body of evidence pointing to skin rash as a possible symptom of Covid-19…

4 years ago

Teenage Pimple Popping: Resist The Urge to Pop That Zit

There are a lot of myths about acne. Your grandmother will tell you its all in the diet. Believe it…

4 years ago

PPD’s and The Risk of Hair Dye during Pregnancy

The risks pregnant mothers expose both themselves and their unborn child to through the continued use of commercial hair dyes…

5 years ago

The Truth about Douching

Doctors recommend that you do not douche. Douching can lead to many health problems, including problems getting pregnant. Douching is…

5 years ago

Melanoma, a skin cancer

Cells that make melanin and are found in the lower part of the epidermis. Melanin is the pigment that gives…

5 years ago

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a skin cancer

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer and the most frequently occurring form of all…

5 years ago

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), a skin cancer

It is the second most common form of skin cancer, characterized by abnormal, accelerated growth of squamous cells. When caught…

5 years ago

Skin Cancer, an overview

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. The main types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal…

5 years ago

Skin Patch and Skin Prick Allergy Testing

This is used to evaluate for an underlying trigger/agent in individuals who develop contact dermatitis. Examples of contact dermatitis is…

5 years ago

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