Policy and Practice




The Silent Threat: How Censorship in Medicine, Science, and Psychology Endangers Innovation and Public Health

When Governments Erase Knowledge, They Erase Progress: Why the Free Flow of Scientific Ideas is Vital to Future Breakthroughs

Lawmaker Takes on Insurance Companies and Gets Personal About His Health

California state Senator Scott Wiener shares his life experience bringing home the need to reconsider access to care pathways.

“Investigational” Is Payer Code for “Coverage Denied”

Outside the pandemic, “investigational” remains payer code for denying reimbursement. In the case of treatment for chronic conditions, even FDA-approved digital-health and connected devices languish on waitlists for formulary inclusion.

Why Healthcare Organizations Need to Be at the Forefront of Climate Change Activism

Let’s show the aligned purpose of caring for the well-being of patients!