Diagnostic Tools




Largest Coordinated HIV Testing Event in the Nation on June 27th

Walgreens and Greater Than AIDS, a public information initiative of KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation), are teaming up with health departments and community organizations in more than 250 cities to host the largest coordinated National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) event in the nation.

The Book Fragmented is a Key Step Toward Navigating America’s Ailing Health System

Stanford Medicine Physician and Author Ilana Yurkiewicz Spotlights “Fragmentation” in a Long-Awaited Book for Patients and Providers

Tennis Legend Has Ovarian Cancer

LEGENDARY TENNIS PLAYER CHRIS EVERT is sharing information about her recent cancer diagnosis. Here is a tweet from her: Evert shared more details about her journey in the cancer...

COVID Became a MedTech Proving Ground Pointing to Planetary Health Priorities

Medika Health Tech Hot Spot Travelogue – 1st Stop on the Global Ecohealth and Health Tech Tour - Tel Aviv! "Global State of Digital Health" is a travel guide to innovation.