Digital Health




Updating Maslow’s Theory in the Ever-Evolving AI Era

By combining Maslow's Pyramid with AI advancements, technology is leveraged to better understand, support, and elevate human experiences in the modern world.

Stop Making Excuses. Prioritize People!

Telemedicine and EMR Interoperability – Two Patient-Centered Tech Advances – Can Help Us Overcome Fragmentation in the Health Ecosystem, but Only if We Have the Will to Make Them Work

Health Possibilities We Can’t Afford to Block

Fixing one piece of the healthcare puzzle is encouraging - but is it transformational? Here are 10 things we can consider to make things better.

Does Artificial Intelligence (#AI) Chatbot Outperform Physicians in Patient Experience?

JAMA Article Draws Fire for Its Research Biases on ChatGPT and Chatbot - But Should We Ignore Its Conclusions Altogether?