Reproductive System




Here’s What You Need to Know About BRCA 1 and 2: The Breast Cancer Genes

Her mother died of breast cancer. Her aunts and cousins developed breast cancer at a young age. She wanted to avoid the same fate.  We...

Trichomoniasis: A Common Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

While not as common as HPV, chlamydia, and herpes, trichomoniasis affects 174 million people infected around the world each year.

Is Sex Safe During the Covid-19 pandemic?

If you are your partner are self-isolating during the Covid-19 pandemic there is no evidence to suggest you should avoid sex

Preparing for: Permanent Birth Control or Bilateral Salpingectomy

A bilateral salpingectomy is an outpatient procedure to permanently prevent pregnancy and reduce the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer.