Consumer Safety Pages

Placing your Health and Safety First

We are pleased to offer patients and other consumers a reliable tool for filtering out voices and products that are potentially harmful to your health and in some instances, even life-threatening.

The decision to add a name or product to this list is not taken likely and we can assure you that it, or the person or retailer promoting it, pose a risk to your health. This initiative is part of our MOBILIZE™ Health platform and you can contribute to it by following links on the article pages.


Medika's Quack Scale






Make America Healthy Again: An Unconventional Movement That May Have Found Its Moment

The MAHA movement says they will restore trust in Federal health agencies that lost public support during the pandemic.

Exposing the Dark World of Predatory Health

Predatory Health is the greatest challenge modern healthcare faces. Practitioners of predatory health are undermining trust in vaccines and proven medical practices.

Reflecting on the Native Americans’ Vaccination Success

With ethnic minorities still lagging in vaccinations in the US, examples, and lessons from Native Americans efforts to vaccinate their communities should be learned from

Exposing America’s Frontline Doctors and Their Financial Empire Built on Hydroxychloroquine

America's Frontline Doctos, founded by Simone Gold is simply a poorly concealed business designed to sell Hydroxychloroquine to gullible consumers

ROTTEN RETAILERS: Quackery Websites Selling Harmful Health Products

Find out how our Rotten Retailers list works and how we allocate our Rotten Apple's to "Health and Wellness" retailers. A Consumer Safety initiative from Medika and MOBILIZE™ HEALTH

Is Getting COVID Shots in the Same Arm Better?

Do individuals get more protection against COVID-19 if they get their vaccinations and boosters in the same arm?

Medika’s Call for Food Aid for Starving Filipino Children

Help us support starving Children in the Philippines by donating to our MOBILIZE™ Food Aid Project this November. Meet the families your donations are feeding and see how your money is helping.

Debunking Bleach or Chlorine Dioxide as a Medical Treatment

Respiratory failure; changes in the heart's electrical activity that can cause deadly abnormal rhythms; life-threatening low blood pressure caused by dehydration; acute liver failure; low blood cell counts that require blood transfusion; as well as severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Why Are the Elderly the Greater Number Hospitalized with Covid?

The COVID statistics are worrisome, but there’s a problem with them and it needs to be noted for everyone’s awareness and safety.

MOBILIZE™ HEALTH: The Rotten Retailers List

MOBILIZE™ HEALTH presents the list of Rotten Retailers, dishonest and misleading health and wellness businesses that sell dangerous products under the guise of health.

Texas; Covid Vaccination Resources

Covid Vaccination info for Texas. If you live in Texas and qualify for early covid vaccination, the resources on this page will help you find places to get your vaccination if its available.

mRNA Technology, Human DNA and The Traffic Flow of Genetic Material

Can RNA from a SARS-Cov2 infection find its way into our DNA. A recent preprint suggests reasons why genetic viral material is showing up in PCR tests