Eco Health




Eating Plastic in Every Bite We Take and Never Knowing the Effect on Our Health

Microplastic has so infused our ecosystem and our bodies that it can be found in the deepest oceans as well as our organs and even our blood. Our internal environment is compromised and so is our heal

Bob Martineau on How Our Planet’s Wellness Impacts Our Own

Bob Martineau in conversation with Gil Bashe from Finn partners on the impact of the environment on our health and the importance of education and communicating

Securing our Economic Future Against Malaria

Malaria remains one of the greatest public health threats facing humanity.

Is Alzheimer’s Damage Linked to Deadly Pollution of Babies, Not Old Age?

Alzheimer’s disease isn’t a disease of old age; it begins in infancy, possibly even before birth, because of pollution. Pollution, therefore, initiates the death spiral even before children can walk and talk.